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 August 2011 Chapter Event

Topic:  Residential Insulations

When:  August 26
Where:  Envision Center

Robbins, will present the basics of insulation, including

    R-values per inch of many different kinds

    Which insulations act as air or vapor barriers by themselves

    How much codes require vs how much high-performance structures have

    How to calc achieved R vs installed average R    

    How insulation can aggravate or reduce condensation potential inside assemblies

    How insulation can minimize HVAC use and equipment capacities


Brockman will present how he applied insulations in his custom house design, examining

    Economics of insulation vs energy supply, including renewable energy

    One-time-only thermal performance considerations & opportunities

    How he chose to super-insulate his home's ceilings, above & below grade walls, floors & slabs

    Treating windows as insulation

    What he would do differently in a future project  


Robbins is an energy consultant and designer of high performance homes for over 25 yrs, also a technical educator teaching license-accredited courses for engineers, architects and contractors.  Brockman is an engineer who worked in many roles for CG&E, Cinergy and Duke Energy before being a building energy consultant for Honeywell Building Solutions.  Brockman is recently retired, residing in his new Boone County KY  home which he designed.  Robbins and Brockman are both members of SW Ohio AEE.

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